2008 – All Episodes


Notice: The 2008 episodes were only recorded in Portuguese.

Change Management in Projects

In this episode, Ricardo talks about the displacement of positions caused by changes and the importance of communication while managing changes in projects. Ricardo also points out that every change is easier to assimilate when the information is reasonable, justifiable and not imposed, thus generating more credibility to the project.

Maturity Models

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the project management maturity models and their different kinds. He explains that companies with higher maturity in project management have better processes and higher success rates in their projects, whereas companies with less maturity have higher failure rates in their projects. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Rolling Wave Planning

In this podcast, the Ricardo talks about Rolling Wave Planning. He explained that the planning is more detail in the near term and detail in high level in the far term. Ricardo notes that this procedure is indicated when the project has a long duration (more than 1 year), where the horizon and estimate of cost and time is poor. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Decision Making

In this podcast, Ricardo Vargas talks about the complexity of decision making and the importance of the right time to do it. Often, the project manager doesn't have enough time to find a problem and needs a quick response not to cripple the project. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

Organizational structure

In this podcast Ricardo Vargas talks about the models of organizational structures and their influence in the project. He explains that each model has its strengths and weaknesses and that in some companies, there are more than one organizational structure. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.


In this podcast Ricardo Vargas talks about megaproject management. He defines what a megaproject is and how the profile of a project manager should be to manage such a project. He presents some megaprojects examples, like the ones from Dubai and Sonangol in Angola. Ricardo also talks about the importance of looking for the best professionals to be part of a megaproject team. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese.

Key Performance Index

In this podcast Ricardo Vargas talks about the KPI - Key Performance Indexes. KPIs are indexes that give the project a numeric result. He explains that these indexes can show the status of the schedule, cost, scope, quality and other issues. Exhibiting information in a graphical way, the project manager can have a fast and effective way of communicating information. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese.

Softwares for Project Management

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about the software that supports project managers and what it takes to be a good tool. He also talks about the importance of having committed companies behind the good tools, so as to assure the continuity of this software. This podcast was recorded only in Brazilian Portuguese. The link below is for the Brazilian Portuguese version.

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Published in 2008
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Last updated at: Apr 22, 2024
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