2021 – All Episodes

Some Considerations About Project Delivery Approach: Predictive (Waterfall), Hybrid or Adaptive (Agile)

In this week's episode, Ricardo talks about the form of development approach you will choose, according to the type of project. He comments that one of the Performance Domains of the new PMBOK® is the Development Approach and Lifecycle. And he explains that for some projects, it is better to choose the predictive approach, while for others, the adaptive approach is more suitable. Listen to the Podcast to learn more.

How to Support Future Generations for a World Based in Projects

In the last 20 or 30 years, project management has taken on a vast proportion, and a good part of the population works, even if they don't know it, in some way with projects. So why do people see the world for projects as a threat? What are the misunderstandings? Let's talk about how I see project management and how to support future generations to work in a different world, a world by projects. Listen to the Podcast to learn more.

Conflict of Interest and the Impact in your Project: 5 Ethical Principles to Be a Great Steward

In this week's episode, Ricardo explains what conflicts of interest are. He also shows some examples where decision-making based on personal interest can harm the project, the organization, and other project stakeholders. He also presents the 5 ethical principles (based on the Harvard Program on Negotiation) that must be considered in project decisions to avoid a potential conflict of interest.

Any Assessment is Irrelevant without a Reference

In this week's episode, Ricardo talks about the importance of having clear criteria as a reference when we evaluate a project. He explains that people's perception is different, and if we create a personal reference, it will have a different interpretation. Ricardo shows many examples of not explicit references, and besides that, the evaluation for these criteria will generate ambiguity. He also shows examples of detailed references.

The Legal Team is the Best Friend in Protecting Your Project and Your Organisation (Stewardship)

In this week's episode, Ricardo talks about the legal aspects of project management. He explains that the project manager often may perceive that their work is being delayed due to the requirements of other areas, for example. Ricardo explains that these requirements are made to protect the project and, in the end, your organization.

IT Projects May Be Riskier than You Think

In this week's episode, Ricardo talks about the risks that can be associated with technology projects. He explains that the approach to managing technology projects, where releases are delivered faster and more frequently, can allow aspects that are not thoroughly thought out and validated to produce security flaws, risks, and even use and encouragement of unexpected behavior when used.

How Fragile and Volatile are Businesses: The Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram Outage

This week we return to the theme from a few weeks ago, how technology projects are riskier than most people imagined. Surprised by the paralysis of Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp, we were more than left out of communication. The damage caused throughout the world by the hours out of the air on these platforms is incalculable. What to learn from what happened? How to deal with this dependence on companies today?

The Magic of Affinity Diagrams

Ricardo talks about affinity diagrams in this week's episode and how this technique can help you and your team organize ideas. He explains that when structuring a process, the scope of a project, risks, and other ideas, we usually create groups and distribute information within these groups. We will think differently using the affinity diagrams; first, we will have the pictures and then group; it is like an EAP in reverse.

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Last updated at: Apr 22, 2024
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