2023 – All Episodes

Understanding Minimax Strategy in Project Decisions Under Uncertainty

In this episode, Ricardo discusses the Minimax Strategy, highlighting its role in decision-making under uncertainty. Instead of focusing on the technical aspects of the algorithm, he explores its philosophical underpinnings. He underscores how this approach aids in prioritizing risks that could inflict the most significant loss on a project.

Zombie Projects: Why They Exist and How to Kill Them

In this episode, Ricardo digs into the uncanny world of zombie projects - the projects that refuse to die despite their draining effects on organizational resources. He explores the mystery behind their existence, highlighting factors such as the fear of failure and the misgivings around abandoning sunk costs.

Why Do We Need to Learn How to Swallow the Fish if We Want to Deliver Successful Projects?

In this week's episode, Ricardo explores a crucial concept for achieving successful project delivery: "swallowing the fish." This idea, originating from the book "Technology as a Service Playbook" by Thomas Lah and JB Wood, is represented by a graph that forms the shape of a fish, depicting a decline in revenue and an increase in expenses.

Will Project Management Offices (PMO) Survive in the Age of AI?

In this week's podcast, Ricardo talks about the future of PMOs in an AI-dominated world. He explores the fundamental question: Can Project Management Offices (PMOs) stay relevant in the age of AI? AI will change the work we all do inside PMOs. AI could take over tasks like making reports or sorting out data. But Ricardo sees a bright side.

4 Ways to Improve The Relationship With Your Boss

In this episode, Ricardo explores the core principles of building stronger connections with our boss and how it is critically relevant if we want to deliver our project and get the work done. It covers how building trust, establishing connections, avoiding negative bias, and broadening our relationships can support a positive professional relationship with our supervisors. Listen to the podcast to learn more.

Occam's Razor: The Power of Simplicity in Project Management

In this episode, Ricardo introduces the timeless philosophy of Occam's Razor, a principle that champions simplicity. Coined by 14th Century philosopher William of Ockham, this concept prompts us to choose the most straightforward explanation or solution when faced with equally good alternatives. He discusses how this principle can streamline our approach to project management.

The Cobra Effect: Unraveling Second-Order Consequences

In today's episode, Ricardo guides you through the fascinating world of second-order consequences, focusing on the Cobra Effect. He explores how solutions that seemed reasonable in the short term can sometimes spawn more complex issues in a project environment if not adequately anticipated. Ricardo suggests you rethink your decision-making process and underline the importance of considering all potential outcomes before deciding.

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Last updated at: Feb 17, 2025
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